

Saturday, December 13, 2014

It's Been a While

Just a little note to reassure everyone that we're still here, and still writing.  I don't know how long or how often I will write on this blog later down the road.  For now I still think it will be fairly frequent, since we're still trying to mentally process and write down the last 6 months of our lives.

I do have a few valid excuses for my absence in November.  Part of it had to do with the fact that I spent almost every night working on a couple other Aria projects (which I can't go into too much detail yet, but I will).  Part of it was Thanksgiving craziness, of course, especially since we hosted this year.  Part of it is just the whole sadness emotion which makes me totally not motivated most nights.

(Part of it is that the "A" key on my keyboard is broken, which makes typing super annoying.  Do you know how often you use the letter A???  I mean hello, Aria's name is half "A"s on its own! I am resolved to buy a new laptop by Christmas.)

I have a ton of future posts pending (don't I always?) but here is the update on life in general:

I feel like we are a little worse off than we were the last time I blogged, 6 weeks ago.  Definitely still better off than we were right after Aria died, but still a "two steps backward" kind of thing.  I'm really not sure why.  Nothing really specific has happened to make this last month harder.  Although the onset of all the fall/winter holidays has definitely been a very blatant reminder that she's not here.  With Halloween came the start of "the holidays" in our home, which always starts with Halloween because that's my favorite holiday!  Definitely feeling the absence of our baby girl during these holidays as we are having to reconstruct what our original plans had been back when we thought we'd have a new baby in tow. . .figuring out a 3 person Halloween costume instead of the 4 person one I had picked out a long time ago. . .not taking pictures of Bennett and Aria at our annual Pumpkinland trip. . .pulling out all of Bennett's "Baby's 1st Christmas" stuff and feeling the pain of not needing one for Aria. . .etc etc.

We also just passed that point where last year at this time, I found out I was pregnant.  So now everything that comes up carries the reminder of "well last year when we did this I was pregnant" kind of a thing.

Maybe part of it is just the weather too. . .I always get kind of depressed in the cold.  I'm definitely one of those people that is much happier soaking in warm sunshine.

I know that part of it is that I am just lonely! (Which doesn't mean I'm just sitting around all day doing nothing.  I am busier than ever, but it's been surprising to see how lonely you can be at the same time)  Specifically - I miss my old friends!  I feel like I've lost a lot of close friendships since Aria died.  I don't think this is one of those things where our friendship is forever changed because my friends don't know how to handle my grief.  Maybe it is.  I don't know.  But I think a lot of it just has to do with distance now.  We only moved to Lehi in March.  Before that, we were in Spanish Fork.  So for example, I had two separate friends that I would see or do kid-swaps with like once a week, because they also had only one kid and coincidentally their kids were boys that were only a few weeks younger than Bennett.  So we were constantly chatting or texting or whatever and comparing where the boys were at and giving each other tips and stuff.  Coincidentally, both of them were also pregnant again and due a couple months before me.  I was ecstatic.  I figured once all the babies came it would be more of the same, just hanging out all the time and doing playdates and comparing stats.  Except that my baby died and theirs are thankfully healthy and happy and developing little personalities.  So not only am I much farther away now which already makes it hard to hang out, but I'm also in a much difference stage of life because I just have Bennett, and everyone else is catering to the demands of a newborn.  I have other friends down there too that I used to see a lot that I just haven't been able to see nearly as much since moving here.  And I haven't really made any "hang out" friends here yet.  I've been trying, it was just a lot easier in my old neighborhood where all the other women also only had one or two little kids and we could get together easily.  Here most of the families are a lot more established so the moms are busier because they have kids old enough to be starting school and stuff.  I'm still glad we moved here, I know without a doubt this is where we are supposed to be right now.  It's just one of those things.

Anyway, like I said, there hasn't been any specific event or anything to explain why we've been missing Aria more heavily recently.  I've just noticed a few things these past few weeks that indicate that we're going backward a bit.  I am back to crying super easy now whenever I think about her and honestly cry at least a little almost every day now again. We're not sleeping as well as we had been 6 weeks ago - although thankfully it's not as bad as it was when Aria first died.  Also, Bennett isn't sleeping as well either, which I find strange.  He had been doing really good at staying in his bed but suddenly is crawling into ours a lot again.  He also seems to be regressing just a bit on some things, or at least resisting learning skills that other kids his age are able to do and it's going to start causing problems soon.

I have been thinking about maybe trying some bereavement counseling (well for Bennett and I at least, I can't speak for Michael).  I've had a therapist before but that was a long time ago and we didn't do any kind of grief counseling after Aria passed away.  I think we just figured that we didn't need one, because although we were grief stricken we weren't like mad at God, or asking the universe "why", or clinically depressed, or anything like that - we were just very very sad and nobody could fix that.  But lately I've been thinking that maybe it's enough just to be so sad and to have someone else to talk to about the grieving process, especially now that it's been long enough that most people don't think to ask us about her and how we're doing much anymore.  I definitely appreciate everyone who does though.  I get at least one person every couple weeks who will randomly text or facebook or email me to say that they had been thinking about Aria and just wanted to let me know that she hadn't been forgotten.  I love it when that happens, it keeps me going for days!

Here's to more posts hopefully coming up soon. . .I do have quite a bit to catch everyone up on!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Natasha. I'm sure the holidays (and the cold weather) make everything a little worse. I am just down the street and would love to hang out anytime. Come visit during Christmas break and I'll have Ash bring her kids over. Know that I think of you and your family often.
