

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Small Steps

Shockingly, the rest of the world has continued on even though our lives have been blown apart.  We're taking small steps every day to try to learn how to keep moving in life.

Last week Mike started back to work.  Because he's in a management position he had to adjust quickly to being around a lot of coworkers again.  I had it a bit easier.  I only worked a few hours, and most of those were non-patient hours where I just caught up on paperwork.  So I only had to see one patient (although OF COURSE I gambled and lost, because I had figured that there was no way that patient knew my situation. . .he did, and brought it up immediately upon seeing me.  He was very sweet about it though so it was okay.  Plus I've been working there 8 years, so I'm going to need to get used to long-time patients asking me about Aria.)

We had people over to the house yesterday!  That was huge.  It was Bennett's birthday, and the poor kid has really been a trooper these last couple weeks.  He is bored out of his mind though because he's only been around adults since Aria was born.  So we invited over a bunch of neighborhood kids and their fams for a hastily thrown together birthday party yesterday.  We bought a few little pools and a slip 'n' slide and some other little water games and just let all the kids play for a couple hours while the adults chatted.  It was nice to be able to talk to other people again, about normal things (although I admit to passing around some pictures of Aria.  Couldn't help myself.  I have a new baby and want to show her off just like any mama!)

Today we tried to go back to church for the first time.  I say "tried" because we intended to go for all of sacrament meeting but ended up leaving right after the sacrament since I had basically been crying on and off since the opening song.  We have good days and bad days, and apparently church was just too much for me to handle today (although the baby blessing that took place definitely didn't help).  So next week we'll try again.

Small steps.  We're working on it.


  1. I am Joey and Kav's sister-in-law and am following your story/blog. I just wanted to tell you how moved I am by your courage, strength, and faith during this time. Aria is so lucky to have you as a mama. There is no doubt that she chose to come to your family because she needed you! Your family is constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. There's not a thing wrong with small steps, you do what you can and the rest will wait, this I've learned. You are all in my heart, thoughts and prayers each day. And Aria couldn't have chosen more awesome parents!

  3. It's tricky trying to find a new normal! Aria's pictures are adorable!
