

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Aria's Life in Review: Day 6 - July 5, 2014

We had to leave Bennett at home this day when we went to visit Aria because we wanted to have a longer visit than his 2 year old patience would allow.  He hadn't left our sides since I was released from the hospital the day before, including at night - he threw a fit when we tried to put him to bed in his room and only settled down when Mike let him fall asleep in his arms in our bed.  So he was NOT HAPPY when he realized he was not coming with us.  (Because of how this all happened with no preparation, poor Bennett had severe separation anxiety after Aria was born.  It took months before he was back to normal and wasn't nervous when I'd leave him with someone else.  So sad.)

This day, I had to leave a screaming and crying Bennett after half an hour of trying to console him.  I knew he was in good hands with his Nana and Papa, but it still broke my heart.  On the drive to the hospital I started crying and told Mike that I felt like both of my children really needed me and there was literally no way I could fully help either of them.  I felt like such a failure of a mother even though I knew there wasn't anything I could do.

This day I finally got to see that HAIR I had heard so much about!  And they were right - holy moly, that hair!  The day before I hadn't seen it because her head was wrapped in a bandage helmet because she was having an EEG done.  Her nurse today said that she had worked hard to scrub all the glue out of her hair that had held the wires in place.  She said that normally EEG placement on a baby is pretty easy, but that they probably had a hard time moving all of Aria's hair for each of the dozens of markers!

1 comment:

  1. I can't even imagine how hard that was to split your time between Bennett and Aria. You did the best you could and you wouldn't even know how hard it was on Bennett today.
