

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Aria's Life in Review: Day 26 - July 25, 2014

This is a common scene - one of us looking up at the monitors, checking her numbers.  A lot of the pictures from this day have Mike looking at the monitors. . .she must have been having a harder time this day and kept setting off her breathing alarms for her oxygen.  By this point we were used to her warning chimes and would often not even break conversation.  Instead we would continue talking but with our eyes watching her numbers instead of looking at each other.  Usually her numbers would dip for a moment, causing the warning alarm, but would steadily climb back up into a good range.  This was fairly normal for all the babies.  At one point in our stay there, all 5 babies in that NICU room were on breathing tubes for a few days at the same time.  It was a noisy couple of days with alarms going off every couple minutes!

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