

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Choices, choices

I've always been a perfectionist which leads to difficulty making decisions (because I stress like crazy over the stupidest little decisions because I want it to be just perfect) but it's definitely reached a new level since Aria's been born.  I just really can't make any decisions on my own anymore.  Everything that has involved Aria has taken three times as long as it would take me normally.  Deciding on what we would all wear for our family pictures in the NICU, for example.  Or planning the details of her memorial service, When we did our KSL news segment a few days ago, I had 2 hours notice before they arrived at our house - you can imagine what that did to me!  My sisters had to come over to help because I was incapable of picking an outfit and doing my own hair.  

Which leads to last night's hilarity.  So my go-to sources when I'm stressing out are my sisters because they can usually help me reach a decision quickly that I know I'll be happy with later.  So I went to Michael's Crafts to get some supplies for the thank-you rewards for our GoFundMe donors.  I only needed 3 specific items.  It took me 2 hours because I just wanted each individual product to be the most perfect version of itself that it could be.  Then I almost had a nervous breakdown because I couldn't choose which size hole punch to pick!! I literally just sat down on the floor, called my sisters, and let them talk me through the choice until I came to my senses and didn't feel like the world might end if I chose the wrong size.  I mentioned something about that to Kav and she was like "hmm, I wonder why.  It's not like you guys have recently been through a traumatic experience or anything."  Haha.  Good thing they are understanding of the current state of my mind and not annoyed.


  1. Psh. Never annoying. You know what is? Scrolling. Scrolling to find a name in a recent calls list. *UNACCEPTABLE* :D kisses, sister.

  2. Your sisters are awesome! I don't know what I would do myself without my sister. They always know what is best for you and know exactly how to handle the situation.
