

Friday, August 7, 2015

Aria's Life in Review: Day 39 - August 7, 2014

This is Aria, being exasperated with the clothes situation.

Thus far, we had not put Aria in any clothes.  The main reason being because she would overheat even just wearing headbands.  Secondary reasons were the difficulty in finding an outfit that would even fit her.  However, I wanted to at least buy her an outfit or two.  Imagine with me that you're on the hunt for an outfit.  Ready?  Here is the criteria:

  1. Preemie size ideally, because she only weighed 5 pounds and even newborn size clothing was ridiculously big.
  2. Could not have any enclosed legs because of the PICC line in her leg through which she received her medications (so no cute tights, pants, leggings, or even full sleepers). In the same line of thinking, could not be anything that needed to be pulled up over her legs/hips/
  3. Could not be a normal onesie or anything that you stretch over her head to put on, because of her breathing tube.
  4. Could not zip up because of her heart monitor wires. (So ideally, we're looking for something that fastens with snaps all the way around so that all her wires have space to come through between the snaps)
  5. Need to be able to get it off quickly just in case she has a medical emergency and they needed to access her wires or heart.
  6. Theoretically, would be cute, but we're already grasping at straws here.
I went to 8-9 stores, and found a total of ONE outfit that met all the criteria (it was a little big still because it was newborn size, but not too bad).  I bought one other zebra onesie too that I thought was really cute, and it had a different kind of neck so we wouldn't have to go over her head at all . . .although in that moment I had forgotten about her PICC line.  Thankfully our cute nurse came up with a solution, she took the medication lines out of their holders and routed them through the outfit, then back into their holders.  

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